About the Planning Initiative
Despite the concerted efforts across the region to address stormwater pollution, untreated rainwater runoff remains the largest source of pollution reaching the Puget Sound. And the impacts, from source to Sound, inequitably land on communities already facing the challenges of poverty and racism.
It is time for change. This initiative will weave together regional efforts and co-design multi-benefit, equitable solutions that meet the needs of our communities—especially those most impacted by stormwater’s effects.
We are coming together across sectors to learn and plan regionally. In May 2021 stormwater practitioners, elected officials, regional thought leaders, and a variety of community leaders from staff of cities, counties, tribes, public agencies, and nonprofits gathered together to begin exploring a more cohesive, cooperative approach to managing stormwater regionally.
These efforts are continuing through ongoing learning opportunities and conversations, where you are invited to:
Discover new approaches to authentic collaboration and community engagement
Lessons learned from our peers locally and in other regions
Special topics that will strengthen our skills and outcomes in our day-to-day roles